Whether your looking to spruce-up that old shrub/tree bed or create an entirely new landscaped area, stone can help achieve that sophisticated and enduring look your searching for.
Some of our Stone Hardscape projects include:
The following is a remake of a failing two-tier retaining wall and steps with slate patio. Replaced the retaining wall with Versa-Loc retaining wall blocks and stairs. Replaced slate with pavers. Before install:
This was a difficult project but the hard work paid off!
This is an example of an elevated area that the homeowner wanted to look like a focal point instead of an eye sore. Mud was draining into the patio area below from this point. Before retaining wall install:
The retaining wall made a huge difference with the look of the area and took care of the mud and water issue.
The images below are from a different project and property.
Retaining wall install behind air conditioner to cover exposed foundation. Before install:
After filling in area behind air conditioner, retaining wall install, rock & border install with drainage.